Asian Securitex Conference 2024

Unveiling Security’s New Paradigm

AI and IoT offerings in technological advancement and manpower shortage are the key forces in driving changes in security operations. At this conference, we shall explore the challenges and opportunities in this transformation and look into some practical strategies for ensuring return on investment and improving service quality. 


*Certificates available for claiming CPD Points.

The Conference is an “Official” and “Core” activity related to “Professional Practices” under the CPD Scheme of the Property Management Services Authority. Holders of Property Management Practitioner Licence may receive a maximum of 5 CPD hours by participating in the activity. All participants will receive the certificate of attendance provided by the Organiser.

Date 日期 :9 May 2024 (Thur) 2024年5月9日 (星期四) 
Time 時間 :10:30 – 17:00
Venue 地點 :Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Fee 費用:HK$100  

Conference Programme 會議日程

10:30 – 10:40
Opening Remarks
Mr Stephen Yip
Chairman, Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority
Technology Advancement / Development

10:40 – 11:00
Navigating the Security Implications of AI, IoT, and 5G Integration
Mr Lai Chi Leung, Michael
Principal Consultant, Deeptino Tech Limited

This presentation will delve into the dynamic landscape of security and the transformative impact of advanced technologies. As Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and enhanced analytics capabilities become increasingly integrated into security frameworks, they are fundamentally reshaping operational methodologies. The advent of widespread connectivity is ushering an unprecedented number of devices and sensors into the digital fold, dramatically expanding the capacity for data collection and analysis. This paradigm shift is enhancing situational awareness and informing decision-making processes, but it also escalates potential vulnerabilities and expands the threat landscape. I n this talk, we will navigate through the complexities of adopting emergent technologies while fortifying security postures. We will explore how leveraging behavioural analytics in conjunction with IoT and video data can elevate threat detection and response. The discussion will include an examination of 5G’s role in enhancing device connectivity and its subsequent security ramifications.


11:00 – 11:40
Innovating Security in Hong Kong: Addressing Labor Shortages with Secure IoT Solutions
Mr Wong Tin Hau, John
Chairman, The Hong Kong Security Association

This presentation introduces a cutting-edge IoT-based security platform designed to tackle the pressing labor shortage in Hong Kong’s security sector. We explore the current challenges faced by estates and malls, emphasizing the need for a technologically advanced yet secure solution. The presentation delves into the capabilities of IoT in enhancing security operations through automation and real-time monitoring, while prioritizing cybersecurity. We discuss strategies to safeguard IoT systems against cyber threats, ensuring robust protection for the network. The implementation strategy covers phased deployment with continuous security assessments. A central control room and mobile integration demonstrate real-time response capabilities with secure data transmission. A case study highlights the platform’s effectiveness in a real-world scenario, showcasing how it addresses labor shortages and maintains high cybersecurity standards. The presentation concludes with a call to action for adopting this innovative and secure approach to revolutionize security in Hong Kong.


11:40 – 12:00
Securing smart buildings with BACnet/SC
Mr Nigel Ko
Head of Innovation, XTRA Sensing

BACnet as a communication protocol, forms the backbone of a majority of building automation systems. However, it was not initially designed with security built-in and relied on air-gap segregation and physical controls to stay out of threats. In the increasingly connected Industry 4.0 world, such controls have become all the more difficult if not outright impossible to realize. Enters BACnet/SC; as defined in BACnet Standard Addendum 135 2016bj, BACnet/SC was designed to add modern-day cyber security to the protocol while maintaining backward compatibility.  Building NDT expert Mr. Ko will give an overview of BACnet/SC, and practical advices on how to develop secure building automation devices and test them for BACnet/SC compliance.


12:00 – 12:20
Unmasking Cyber Threats: Building Cyber Security Resilience
Mr Lee Kai Ming, Francis
Senior Inspector of Police, Hong Kong Police Force

Discover the secrets behind “Unmasking Cyber Threats: Building Cyber Security Resilience.” In today’s interconnected world, the battle against cyber threats is more critical than ever.  This presentation will dive deep into prevailing cyber threats against corporates, unlock their hidden intricacies, and explore the essential steps to build robust cyber security resilience.  Designed for cyber security practitioners, IT professionals, and anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge of cyber threats and resilience.  Gain a comprehensive understanding of prevailing cyber threats, acquire practical strategies, and learn from real-world examples to equip your organization with the tools needed to create a resilient cyber security environment.


12:20 – 12:40
Artificial Intelligence of Things Security
Prof Qu Bo
Associate Professor / Assistant to the Dean, HKCT Institution of Higher Education

Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Security refers to safeguarding the interconnected network of devices, sensors, and systems that combine artificial intelligence (AI) with the Internet of Things (IoT). As AIoT adoption grows, ensuring robust security becomes critical.  This presentation will briefly introduce AIoT and its significance in the modern technological landscape, discuss the unique security challenges posed by AIoT, present strategies to enhance AIoT security, explore advancements in AIoT security, etc.

Lunch Break
Security Operation

14:00 – 14:20
Enhancing Security Operations with Smart and Automated Systems: Embracing a New Era of Intelligent Access Control with Mobile Solution
Mr Vincent Wu
Sales Engineering Director, Physical Access Control Solutions (PACS), North Asia Region, HID

With this topic, we will delve into the impact of smart and automated access control systems on security operations. By shedding light on the benefits and advancements that define this new era of intelligent access control, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the transformative capabilities of these innovative systems.   Additionally, we will focus on the emerging trend of Mobile Access solutions and their influence on reshaping traditional access control paradigms. The discussion will encompass the enhanced convenience, flexibility, and security offered by Mobile Access, as well as the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as Bluetooth and NFC (OS Wallet) for seamless and secure authentication.   Furthermore, we will analyse the implications of this trend on organizational security strategies, operational efficiency, and user experience, including the integration of advanced security features to avoid common security risks, such as anti-fake cards and anti-hacking mythologies. This analysis will offer insights into the pivotal role played by Mobile Access solutions in enhancing overall security, operational efficiency, and user experience within modern access control systems.


14: 20 – 14:40
Automation in Security Operations – Opportunities and Challenges
Mr Johnny Ho
Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry

Automation in security operations offers benefits such as improved efficiency, enhanced threat detection, and accelerated incident response. However, challenges include initial investment cost, user acceptance and training of personnel. We need to balance automation with human expertise, and ethical considerations. Striking the right balance between automation and human judgment is crucial for effectively safeguarding organizations against evolving security threats.

14:40 – 15:00
Next-generation Retail Security Operation: Application and Development of AI-Enabled Computer Vision
Ms Sunny Jiang
APAC Solution Manager, Sensormatic
15:00 – 15:15  Coffee Break Sponsored by Sensormatic
Panel Discussion

15:25 – 16:40
Panel Discussion: 10 Questions on Modernising Security Services

Ms Penny Fung
Director of Training & Professional Development, The Hong Kong Institute of Security


  • Mr Lai Chi Leung, Michael
    Principal Consultant, Deeptino Tech Limited
  • Mr Wong Tin Hau, John
    Chairman, the Hong Kong Security Association
  • Mr. Vincent Wu
    Sales Engineering Director, Physical Access Control Solutions (PACS), North Asia Region, HID
  • Mr Johnny Ho
    Chairman, Chamber of Security Industry
16:40 – 17:00
Closing Remarks
Ms Penny Fung
Chairperson, Advisory Panel of Asian Securitex Conference 2024 

Advisory Panel 會議籌委會

Chairperson 主席 
Hong Kong Institute of SecurityMs Penny Fung
Committee Members 成員 
Asian Professional Security Association – Hong Kong ChapterMr Kwok-chu Li
ASIS International Hong Kong ChapterMr Rex Lam
Chamber of Security IndustryMr Johnny Ho
Hong Kong Security AssociationMr John Wong
Hong Kong Police Force Crime Prevention BureauMs Kelly Choi
International Professional Security Association (Hong Kong)Mr Jack Ip

Sponsor 贊助

Supporting Organisations 支持機構